Posted on 7/23/2018

Diagnosing car problems can be complicated Your automobile is likely the most complex piece of machinery that you own. Having been an automotive technician for over 45 years now, I feel as if I know less than ever about cars, but I am much wiser. I used to think I knew it all but now, not so much; I guess that’s called maturity. Cars are more complex than ever, what with high-end vehicles operating with more computer code then the Boing 787 Dreamliner. The most difficult concept for customers to understand is that it’s very difficult for auto technicians to diagnose and repair today’s vehicles. I had a chat with an employee of the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) about On Board Diagnostics 2 (OBD2) about reading the code. It’s a common misconception that this code reader diagnoses what’s wrong with a car. Not True. Most times the given code is just a starting point for diagnosis. We spend more time learning about codes than any other su ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2018
One question always going through my mind is, “What is the right amount of vehicle maintenance:” Too much, and you’re wasting money; not enough, and the vehicle’s dependable life flies out the window. The owner’s manual has great information on what to do and when. But – and this is a big but – are the maintenance recommendations enough to ensure the vehicle last a long time? On one end of the spectrum is the “up sell” of fluid changes; oil or fluid wiped on a white rag showing how dirty it is; shocks that are seeping slightly; or the air filter that is somewhat dirty. (Remember, a slightly dirty air filter will NOT affect your fuel mileage. Advanced electronic engine controls compensate for this on vehicles made since 1995. A truly plugged air filter should be replaced, however, because it will cut engine power.) ... read more
Posted on 4/18/2018
Fuel costs are rising. Following are ways to save money at the pump. Check tire pressure at least monthly. Tire pressures are found on the driver’s doorjamb or in the owner’s manual. Pressures written on the tires are a maximum pressure, not the recommended pressure. Low tire pressure can reduce fuel mileage by 5 percent and create a safety hazard. Always check tire pressure when the tires are cold or cool, not after freeway driving. It is best to have your own tire pressure gauge. They cost less than $5. Drive smoothly, anticipate traffic lights, and refrain from quick starts. Act as if there is an egg under your gas pedal, and accelerate slowly. Watch the traffic lights ahead so you don’t have to use your brakes. Plan your route, and get to know the traffic lights. Every time you use your brakes, you waste en ... read more
Posted on 4/9/2018

We had a 2012 Dodge Ram 2500 come into Stadium Automotive and the customer was complaining that the Dodge Ram had issues with rattling at startup. After further inspection, we found the Dodge Ram to have codes for what was looking like issues with the fuel pressure sensor. The Dodge Ram with the Cummins diesel engine is one that the fuel injectors require tremendous amounts of fuel pressure to run, about 25,000 PSI. If the fuel is not brought to the right pressure it will rattle when cold because the injectors are not getting enough fuel to the cylinders and that can cause the engine to rattle until it warms up. Once the vehicle is warm it will run fine all day. We found the fuel pressure sensor to be reading pressure when there was no pressure in the fuel system. After checking all the electrical connections at the fuel pressure sensor we determined the 2012 Dodge Ram to have a faulty fuel pressure sensor ... read more
Posted on 3/26/2018
The future of the automobile over the next few years is going to be very exciting, or even unbelievable. Who would think we will have driverless taxi cabs in the next two years? (Or so says the news; let’s hope this is not fake news.) As electronics, computers and great designs get more refined and smarter, running at incredible speeds at lower cost, they will dominate the automotive world. Electronics and motors are so very dependable now, cars are chock-full of them. I still remember the cars of the ‘60s: “Don’t get the option of power windows because it is just one more thing to break. That is not the case anymore; just about all cars in the U.S. have power windows. Advanced electronics give cars autopilot capabilities. Electric motors have landed in electric vehicles, including the Tesla, BMWi3, Fiat 500e, Ford Focus electric, Kia Soul EV, Mercedes B250e, VW e-Gu ... read more
Posted on 3/22/2018
The Internet has made a lot of great information available around the world. All of my businesses use the Internet for their websites, for seeking information, and for accessing paid information websites. We used to buy thousands of dollars of books on automotive repair annually; now we use automotive repair websites such as or We pay more than $1,000 per month to use these sites and others for our shops. When repairing or servicing a vehicle, it is important to use high quality, reputable parts. We identify these high quality components thanks to years of installing brand name parts and monitoring their successful results. All parts, whether rebuilt or new, are not created equal. For example, I formerly used a particular rebuilder of starters and alternators, but the customer comeback rate – this refers to a vehicle not repaired properly the first time – regarding those parts was more than 50 perce ... read more
Posted on 1/18/2018
To minimize the cost of car ownership, here are some tips from cradle to grave. When car-shopping, be sure to check with Consumers Reports. It is the most unbiased source of vehicle information, and affordable. The April edition is devoted to new and used vehicles. Not only does it offer tips on what to buy, but how to buy and what “extras” you can avoid. I have followed Consumer Reports advice on the last nine vehicles I have bought and have not been disappointed. Not all vehicles are created the same. The small investment of buying the magazine, or searching its website, and spending two or three hours on research can save you thousands of dollars down the road. Next, establish a routine for getting your vehicle serviced. The owner’s manual has schedules for when services are due in addition to all of the other vehicle information. Keep in mind that oil services are best to do ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2017
If you read my column often, you will know I’m a gadget person. My home is very automated, turning on and off lights with motion detectors and timers, setting the heat, controlling bathroom floor heat with inputs such as outside/inside temps, time of day and motion in the home. My shades also go up and down on time and temp. It’s makes my home friendly and inviting. It’s fun to figure it out, wire it and then program it. It’s like a crossword puzzle for a nerd. A modern vehicle is so complex now, the most complex item that folks own. Some of the more complex vehicles have more lines of programing code then the newer Boeing 787 or Dreamliner! I have just bought a 2018 vehicle with more “bells and whistles” than any other vehicle I have ever bought. Nice things like heated seats and steering wheel! Oh, so nice in this cold weather. Keyless entry and start, no more digging around in pocket or purse to find your key, love it. Automati ... read more
Posted on 11/21/2017

Winter is fast approaching and the Holidays are just around the corner. Many of us will be out traveling and enjoying the winter weather. Now is the time to start thinking about preparing your vehicle for possible emergencies while you are on the road. I would start with getting a plastic storage container designed to fit in your vehicle and big enough to pack the following list of items: a flashlight with extra batteries, a gallon of drinking water, nonperishable easy opening food, flares, a lighter, a pair of gloves for all occupants, a change of clothes, a first aid kit, a blanket, jumper cables, a tarp, sand or kitty litter and a small shovel. These items are all easy to find at any local hardware store or a big box store. A few additional items to consider may be: a charged disposable cell phone, a charged battery jump box and a solar phone charger. Just think about what you would need if you were stranded overnight in the cold weather in your car. And, that leads us ... read more
Posted on 11/14/2017

As vehicles get more advanced, incredible high tech changes are happening for safety, drives enjoyment, better performance, improved fuel mileage and lower emissions. Most technical advances start on high end vehicles and work into the common, lower priced vehicles. Three of these are ABS Brakes, (anti-lock brakes), SRS, (Air bag systems) and ESC or ESP, (computerized technology that improves a vehicle's stability by detecting and reducing loss of traction (skidding). All three of these started on high end vehicles but now are required on all newer vehicles. Some of the high tech items that are in upper end cars include radar that map out the road surfaces in front, looking for pavement irregularities such as pot holes and then do adjustment to the suspension for a smoother ride. Yes, it can ever “see” under the vehicles in front of you. LED headlights are now coming into popularity now. They use less power and can be controlled extensively. No longer do y ... read more